Palace Valenti (formerly Spini) – via Valenti 63, Talamona, Sondrio – XVI century (on preexistent medieval buildings). Private property.

Notice No. 314 10th October 1998

The palace located in the center of Talamona and property of the Spini nobility, was purchased by the Valenti family in 1837.

The choronological details of the construction are uncertain, as the date of 1575 chiseled on an arch of the deep cellar is the only reference, while the structure of the palace, with the fine frescoes of its facade representing scenes of Orlando Furioso and the large fireplace in the interior strongly indicate the Renaissance period.

The Spini family is best known for Lady Francesca Scanagatta (1776-1864) wife of don Celestino Spini, who joined the Austrian army in his brother’s stead.

The Valenti family include two members distinguished for their politico-social activities of the Risorgimento the Dean of Bormio, don Tomaso Valenti (1827-1882) and his nephew, engineer Clemente Valenti (1842/1895), discoverer of a Roman tomb in the local Talamona cemetery dating back to 200 d.C.

Sources and documentary references
Documents conserved in the Palace archive relative to the Spini and Valenti families.

Researches concerning the frescoes conducted by professors Valenti and Rovetta.

Accessibility and available spaces
Interior courtyard and garden:

Entry hall ( 3.50 x 6.50 meters) and room facing same entry ( 4.30 x 6.70 meters), both with flagstone pavements e partially furnished with antiquities of the period.
The entry hall displays an exhibit of photos of the facade.

Ing. Luca Airoldi – 348 4112140 –
Prof.ssa Paola Airoldi – 348 3554298 –
Arch. Elisa Airoldi – 320 7699221 –


How to reach Palazzo Valenti – via Valenti 63, Talamona, Sondrio

Go to the Map

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